<< Previous threadI'm twelve years old and What is this?An offline training mod for playing Gang Garrison 2 against bots!
Play premade scenarios on the maps you're familiar with, and also on several exclusive new maps!
30 35 minutes of estimated gameplay!
Mod features - Bots (duh) that are about as hard to kill as the regular pub!
- Dialogs full of witty comments and insightful advice!
- 6 exclusive scenarios including a
reference to an award winning video game(1)!
- 3 brand new sounds and musics!
- Custom maps specially made for this mod!
- Healers that use their superburst!
- Gunspinning!!
Build your own scenarioIt's easy
(2)! Just create a map (example.png), then create a npc file that has the same name as the map (example.npc). The npc file is really just a text file which contains the script (Game Maker code) of the scenario.
For more info,
>> check out the documentation on GitHub <<DevelopmentChangelogs, roadmaps, and TODOs below.
Also, there's a discord:

- [0.4.3]
. Update objective AI; Both defensive and offensive goal AI aim for the single KothControlPoint regardless of who controls the point
. Update medic and spy distance aim compensation; Update Heavy waiting time for ammo reload
. Deploy sentry only if engineer; zoom only if sniper
. Update rewards as soon as they're received
. Save hiscore only if global.winners is my team
- [0.4.2]
. Map list pagination + sort by name, store hi scores and show completed scenarios in map list, remove team/class selection in game, fix EventManager event not being cleared properly;
. Scenario making: Added events EVENT_ROUND_END, PLAYER_EVENT_BUBBLE, NPC_EVENT_REACH_DEST; make NPC_EVENT_MEET work with enemies too; added scripts win(), npcDuplicate([x, y]); added entity ScenarioContext (works like PluginEnvironment), automatically import wav, mp3 and gif files
- [0.4.1] fix forceAim, fix sentry targeting, implement sentry built/destroyed events, allow use of alarm events for EventManager and NPC, improve npcSetTask, refactor movement AI, update aim AI, bind server socket to random port (instead of forcing default port 8190)
- 0.4: Ported to v2.8.5, written documentation, improved medic and rocketman AI
- Pre 0.4: see previous thread
The current "roadmap" looks like this:
[0.5.x] Optimisation (each item would be a minor update by itself)
+ don't destroy and recreate a server to restart a scenario
+ simplify AI
+ simplify physics
+ remove use of sockets altogether (too ambitious??)
- NPC editor
- Improve character selection screen
- Define a minDistance between NPC objects and their destination (ie. some might be ok with being 100px far from their destination, some might need to be 10px far max)
- Add event for npc when player goes out of sight (as opposed to player_seen event)
- Don't compute aimObject and pathPoint every step, only when needed
(1) Iji was voted number one in the Free Indie of the Year 2008 contest by Bytejacker (says wikipedia)
(2) Unless you have zero coding knowledge, in which case it's fine, but there will be lots of copy and pasting involved