September 20, 2024, 06:57:21 pm

The Gang Garrison 2 Forum

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NOTICE: Wondering where all the forums have gone?

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 on: September 05, 2024, 03:35:43 pm 
Started by Saniblues - Last post by free crzy
You may have noticed some changes around here. What happened? Where did all the forums and posts go?

Frankly, I don't think much of the content on the forums is still of interest to anyone, and I'm not even sure the forums as a venue for new discussions are that valuable anymore - The forums have seen maybe a post or two in a month, chatter has moved to our Discord, and unrelated gamedev projects may be better placed in more active communities like TIGForums, which is of course where we split off from back in the day.

However, I also don't want to just delete everything - there is a chance that someone is still relying on this as the main page for their project, for example, and maybe there are some old threads that are really still valuable to someone out there. Also, the haxxy reward system relies on the forum accounts of the reward winners, and I don't really want to break that.

I'm a bit conflicted about all of this myself. I consider forums a somewhat temporary medium - not as short-lived as a chat, but there is no expectation that it will stick around forever. And I think that it's good to eventually reflect this expectation and retire these old posts which we may not always be proud of anymore. On the other hand, this place is a part of my and our past, and I'm sad at the thought of removing all the posts that reflect the life of this community over such a long time.

If time and effort were no obstacle, I'd love to keep all the high-quality content from the old days around in a read-only archive, but there are 850,000 posts on here, so it is just not feasible to sort through everything. However, if you have some specific things you would really like to save, please comment below and I'll see what I can do.

So consider this your chance to weigh in. In particular, I'd like to get some feedback on the following questions:

- Do you think we should keep the forums running for GG2 related discussions?
- Do you think we should also have a board or two for things vaquely related to GG2, like Game Maker development?
- Is there any content on the old forums that you think should be saved? Please be as specific as possible.
reply to the above already

 on: September 02, 2024, 07:47:28 pm 
Started by Saniblues - Last post by free crzy
how has it taken almost an entire year for you guys to restore it

 on: August 31, 2024, 01:56:46 am 
Started by Saniblues - Last post by free crzy
so what's the hold up with adding back the threads we've all requested and never really did any harm to this place to begin with

 on: August 31, 2024, 01:36:10 am 
Started by MedO - Last post by free crzy
yeah they killed it because we were too naughty over the years it was active and some weird furry that never mentally aged past 17 must be protected at all costs because reasons

 on: August 28, 2024, 10:41:30 pm 
Started by MedO - Last post by celemtine
I have been waiting for the new version for a long time. But it seems that this forum is no longer updated with new information.  :cry:

I agree, although I'm a newly registered forum member, I've been following the forum before, maybe this forum is gone for good?

 on: August 28, 2024, 03:32:24 am 
Started by free crzy - Last post by free crzy
who comes out first amanda or jamie

 on: August 12, 2024, 03:59:33 pm 
Started by Saniblues - Last post by free crzy
whyd you delete my posts i was right wasnt i

 on: August 08, 2024, 08:57:30 pm 
Started by MedO - Last post by quiltspeed
I have been waiting for the new version for a long time. But it seems that this forum is no longer updated with new information.  :cry:

 on: August 02, 2024, 04:53:05 pm 
Started by Nate the Constructor - Last post by free crzy
fixed my typo apple is gay

 on: July 09, 2024, 05:48:15 pm 
Started by Nate the Constructor - Last post by free crzy
Womans from your town
you got phished again bro

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